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Scientist discovers the “secret of success” The story of Jose Silva’s life is one of the world’s great success stories. Many coincidences guided him throughout his life. He encountered many obstacles and and if he had given up and quit, nobody would have blamed him - but nobody would have remembered him either. Even though he was born to poor parents in Laredo, Texas, on the Mexican border, Jose Silva was always successful. As a six year old boy he began to support his family, after watching his father die as the result of a terrorist act during the Mexican revolution. Jose learned to read and write on his own - in both English and Spanish. Instead of going to school, he earned money for his family by selling newspapers on the streets of Laredo, and shining shoes, and doing odd jobs. By the time he was a teenager, he was an employer and hired other youngsters to work with him, going door to door to sell merchandise he purchased in San Antonio. The youngsters were earning as much money after school as their parents earned working full time. And young Jose was earning as much every day as the typical adult in Laredo earned in a week.One day Jose came across an electronics course, borrowed it, studied it, and went into the radio repair business. Eventually he built the largest electronics repair business in south Texas. This was pretty impressive for a youngster who had educated himself, had supported his family since age six, and had earned the respect of people in the community. But there was one area where Jose's hard work and street smarts weren't paying off.Why weren't his children like him? Even though Jose had experienced success in many areas, his children were not following in his footsteps. Some bad report cards convinced him that he had to find the answer. The answer seemed to be in the way that super successful people - like himself - used their minds. He made good decisions, but his children sometimes failed to do the correct thing.He could concentrate on a task and complete it. His children didn't seem to have that same ability.Jose was usually in the right place at the right time, and this had led to much of his success. But his children, like so many other people who never see their dreams come true, sometimes seemed to wind up at the worst possible place at the worst possible time.He was never ill, but his children got the usual childhood diseases. This raised several questions in his mind:Why could some people learn more easily than others? Joselearned without ever attending school, while his children were bringing home some F's on their report cards.Why were some people so much better at earning a living than others? He felt that the answer was in the mind. But how could he explore the mind? Another series of coincidences pointed him in the right direction. He was drafted into the army in 1944 and, for the first time in his life, was sent far away from Laredo, far from South Texas. At the army induction center, he saw a series of specialists. One was a psychiatrist who asked what Jose thought were very strange questions. “He asked me if I liked girls. I told him that I was married and had three kids, what did he think,” Silva recalled. “Then he asked me if I wet the bed. I did not know that adults wet the bed.” When he asked the psychiatrist why he asked such questions, the psychiatrist referred him to a book on “The History of Psychology.” The next person that Jose saw during the army induction process was a chaplain, who gave him, among other things, a small pamphlet with a picture of Christ. Since that was his religion, he took that as a sign that it would be okay to read the book about psychology. Studying the mind Jose began to study psychology - the study of human behavior. One of the things he learned is that the brain operates on a small amount of electrical energy, and that this electric current vibrates or pulsates at different rates. Sometimes the brain's electrical energy vibrates rapidly, twenty times every second, referred to as twenty cycles per second, abbreviated twenty cps. Sometimes it vibrated slower, at ten cps, or five cps. He wondered why this was so. Then he drew on his experience in radio repair, and realized that some radios sound better than others. What makes the difference in a good electrical circuit, and a bad one, he wondered? He already knew the answer: In electronics, you seek the circuit with the least impedance, because that is the circuit that provides you with the greatest power. Since the brain operates on a small amount of electrical energy, the same principle should hold true: Find the operating mode where it has the least impedance and the most power, and you've found the best mode for mental activity. The mind did not reveal its secrets to Jose Silva easily. His unique knowledge of several separate fields gave him a unique perspective that enabled him to understand what it all meant. He could guide a person’s mind with hypnosis, observe their behavior as a psychologist, and could use the EEG to actually look inside their head to see what the brain was doing. “A blessing on the human race second to none in the history of the world” After 22 years of extensive study and careful scientific research and experimentation, he knew that he could help anybody learn to use more of their mind and to use it in a special manner, just like the ultra successful people do. He had unlocked the secret of why some people make better decisions and have better luck and experience more fortunate “coincidences” than the average person. In 1965 he offered to turn over all of his research, free of charge, to the United States government. They declined, saying that they didn’t see any practical use for intuition. So he took it directly to the public, and over the next few years it went viral, spreading by word-of-mouth to more than 100 countries, being taught in two dozen different languages. Jose Silva brought us to the beginning of the second phase of human evolution on the planet This orphan from Laredo, Texas, who never attended school a day in his life as a student, did what the scientists at the universities couldn’t do, and in the process he changed the consciousness of humanity. Today, thanks to Silva Mind Control, people accept the reality of ESP and they understand the value of it. The United States Government eventually caught on and spent more than $25 million developing their “Technical Remote Viewing” system. Jose Silva’s system of Effective Sensory Projection goes far beyond just projecting your mind to observe the outer appearance of things. You can project your mind right into the heart of things, to detect what is really going on so that you can make better decisions and correct more problems.The Second Phase of Human Evolution on the Planet begins now Even with the unprecedented success of the Silva Mind Control course, Jose Silva was still searching for something more. In 1973 he told a group of scientists what he wanted to learn: “We are interested: Is there a higher intelligence somewhere? Of course we are. “We think we are tapping into it at some level, somehow, because we ourselves cannot explain - even ourselves within the movement cannot explain the success that we have had, except through help from higher levels. “And that is putting it lightly. “Now our interest would be: Can we establish a better communication with higher levels of intelligence, wherever they are? “Are they somewhere in the universe? “Are they somewhere in the center of our galaxy? “Can we, or should we, communicate subjectively, instead of the way we have been trying before? “Now there are glimpses and hints in this direction that this could be. It could be.” It was 25 years later that the answer came to him. It came at a time when he sensed that humanity was now ready for the next step: To use their natural psychic ability to connect with the ultimate power source, from the higher power that sent us here to take care of planet earth. Those who understand their mission, and how to take advantage of the guidance and help from higher intelligence, achieve success in their life mission. This is the greatest “secret of success,” and we will guide you step-by-step to tap into the power of higher intelligence. Next: To read more about How your brain works click here. To watch a 9 minute video of Jose Silva explaining how your brain and mind work, please click here. When you are ready to learn the Silva UltraMind ESP System by practicing the Silva Centering Exercise, please click here.
  1. Develop your intuition in 2 days in a live seminar, or at your own pace and convenience with the Silva UltraMind ESP System Complete Home Seminar. Satisfaction guaranteed.
  2. Free Silva UltraMind ESP System Introductory Lessons. You are cordially invited to join us in this Free Silva UltraMind ESP system Mini-Course - a $100+ value - and start using the Silva UltraMind ESP System today to help you make the rest of your life the best of your life. 5 Lessons to help you change your life for the better: 1. Find and learn to use the powerful Alpha Brain Wave Level with.

Unleash the telepathic powers you were born with!

In just 15 minutes a day, you can develop the ability to:

To order the UltraMind ESP System Complete Home Seminar online training + downloads click here. Top 10 reasons people choose the Silva UltraMind ESP System You will experience undeniable evidence of your own ESP in just 2-days.

  • Read minds accurately.
  • Influence people from a distance.
  • Receive guidance from High Intelligence.
  • Create “good vibes with anyone you meet.
  • Detect hidden information.
  • Find lasting inner peace.

And in the process … unleash the telepathic powers you were born with!

The Silva Ultramind System

Skeptical? I was, until I proved it to myself. You see, telepathic powers exist in all of us; they are part of the natural way we communicate with each other.

Your brain beats at various frequencies, much like your heart. Usually your brain beats at 14 cycles per second, the Beta frequency. Very occasionally it beats between 7 and 14 cycles per second. This frequency is known as Alpha frequency. Alpha is the key to becoming telepathic.

A man named Jose Silva perfected a simple 15-minute technique for entering the Alpha level at will, creating his own brand of ESP, which he called “effective sensory projection.” The result of this breakthrough is the new Silva Ultramind ESP System. Once you’ve mastered the techniques, you’ll be able to:

Silva Ultramind Pdf

  • Read people like a book. Know if someone’s telling you the truth. Gain knowledge about others’ intentions just by looking at them. Know anyone’s real motives by simply being in the same vicinity.
  • See through walls. Project your mind to any place in the world to detect information. The U.S. government spent $30 million training people to do this and had a 100% success rate in certain cases.
  • Influence others from a distance. Leave reminders and create an instant connection using ESP projection techniques.
  • Discover your mission in life. Learn what you were sent here to do. Improve the lives of others. Live a life that’s fulfilled and happy.
  • Detect hidden information. Use dowsing rods and pendulums to locate objects and information you’re looking for. Learn how the science of psychometry can help you improve the accuracy of your intuitions about people.
  • Get and stay healthy longer. Learn to tune in to your physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
  • Establish instant rapport with anyone you meet. Create a feeling of trust, connection and enjoyment.
  • Relieve stress and relax more easily. Once you’ve mastered the simple technique for going to the Alpha level, you’ll be able to go there almost instantly. Melt away stress and be totally relaxed.
  • Learn to trust your intuition. Make better life decisions.
  • Concentrate with total focus and clarity, whenever you choose.
  • Find lasting inner peace. Clear your mind and heart of past baggage.

Jose Silva’s New Ultramind ESP System is so life-changing, we’ve turned it into an audio seminar.

Jose Silva’s New Ultramind ESP System opened my eyes to the full potential of the human mind, and what I have described is just the “tip of the iceberg.” There is so much more!


You’ll learn about the broadcasting technique that allows you to connect with several people telepathically at the same time. You’ll hear about the little finger in the palm of the hand technique, which magnifies your psychic power when you combine it with one other thing. You’ll also discover the mental video technique, the 3-scenes technique, the mental rehearsal technique and other proven methods that will make you more telepathic.

-Vic Conant

IT's just brilliant. I have completed the Silva course before and I forgot about it. I found that CD course by "mistake" and I LOVE IT!!! It relaxes me, it helped me to make my study easier. I feel secure with it and I know that whatever I desire I get it! Don't hesitate to buy it, you won't regretted!!!


Hello:My name is Svetlana Kim. My friend Francoise told me that she has something very special for me.When we met she gave me a set of the Silva Ultramind ESP System. I am a forth generation of Soviet Koreans.I was born and raised in Russia. The government prohibited all religous activites in Soviet Union.If you would ask me if I believe in God, I would answer that I don't believe in anything.For me to read and listen that kind of CDs is a real work.I practiced the first 3 CDs for 15 minutes a day.My first job as a refugee was to clean restrooms in tenderloin. Just being there alone was not safe.I pursued to become a stockbroker. Did very well.Last two months during my training with the Silva Ultamind I achieved more happiness and opportunities that ever before.I was offered to be a co-chair for the Business Women's Network Entrepreneurial Committee in Washington, DC. I am on the panel at the Diversity and Women Leadership Summit&Gala on November 16-17, 2005 in Washington, DC. I would love to invite you all as my guest at a great rate.www.summit.bwni.comI was invited to the dinner with nine U.S.Senators ( all women) including the U.S. Senator Hilary Clinton.It was my dream to meet her.My mentor is a visionary women in Washington,DC who is the recepient of the FIRST Global Athena Award and I am going to Greece in 13 days. I'll be on the Committee with First Amabassador from Republic of Macedonia and two of the U.S.Senators, many CEOs.I want to thank you for sharing this method with the rest of the world.It is powerful! I started my own company!Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!Svetlana Kim, RFC,CFPProvidence Investment Consulting415-336-2551 - personal

Svetlana Kim

This is a really good continuation of the Silva Method. It really works. Free chieftec drivers download.

Paul W Stolar
The Silva Ultramind ESP System
CD Version - 8 Compact Discs/PDF Workbook/Bonus CD (21670CD)

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Wickett, Bernd, Romero and Lytle

JoNell Monaco Lytle is a Certified Silva Systems Trainer. Through the Silva Techniques she is a singer, dancer, actress, comedian, published author, composer, scriptwriter, recording artist, and Self-Healing Facilitator. In l973 she became a Certified Trainer for the Silva Systems. In the last 28 years she has lectured internationally and received four awards for her impressive success rate in helping the homeless return to rewarding lifestyles. In 1988, JoNell was the first Silva Trainer to introduce the Silva techniques to four major cities of the Soviet Union. Recently, she shared the Silva techniques in a number of Australian cities and conducted a free class for an Aboriginal group. She attributes all of her successes to the inspiration and techniques she received from Jose Silva. Michael Wickett has been a trainer, seminar leader and consultant for over twenty years. His customized sales programs have enabled many companies to break industry records. Among his impressive list of clients are the Ford Motor Company, State Farm Insurance, Merrill-Lynch, Transamerica, Hyatt Hotels, Canon USA and the Virtual Technology Group. A much sought after speaker, he also conducts self-esteem and drug awareness programs at correctional facilities. He also works with recovering alcoholics through the Salvation Army. Michael has recorded twenty-one cassette learning programs that have helped people in many walks of life. Among these is the popular Nightingale-Conant program It¹s All Within Your Reach. Michael attributes his success to the consistent implementation of the Silva techniques in his life. ED BERND, JR. is an award-winning Silva lecturer. He took the Silva course in 1975, and received so many benefits that he became an instructor two years later. In 1981, Jose Silva asked him to join the headquarters staff in Laredo, Texas, as the Editor and Director of Company Communications. Besides editing the Silva company newsletter since 1981, Ed has been involved in numerous projects. He has authored or coauthored more than a dozen books on the Silva Method. He helped develop the Silva Star Athlete program in 1986 to guide athletes in using visualization and mental rehearsal to improve their performance. He developed the Silva Sales Power Program in 1990, to teach sales people how to use the untapped powers of their minds to increase their sales and income. Ed's hobbies are weightlifting and auto racing. JOSE LUIS 'PEPE' ROMERO joined the Silva organization at Jose Silva's request shortly after he graduating from college with a BBA from Texas A&I University. Pepe has been involved in every phase of the Silva organization. Since 1983 he has been an officer of the Silva International Graduate Association. In 1992 he was named Director of United States Silva Instructors. In 1997 he worked directly with Jose Silva to help to establish a new course: Jose Silva's UltraMind ESP System. Pepe is now the Director of Jose Silva's Ultra Mind ESP System. Since then, Pepe has devoted his time to further development of Jose Silva's UltraMind ESP System, and also continues to promote Silva's Holistic Faith Healing Course. Pepe and his wife Sylvia live in Laredo, Texas with their three children: Valerie, Carlos, and Adriana.

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